
New Sparta

New Sparta

When I was a little girl, classic ballet ruled the world and the Dance world was covered with Russian culture and spartanic discipline As a young ballet dancer and as a natural rebellion soul, I had a deep dialog with this issue. I loved to dance with...

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My first collection 2014

My first collection 2014

From the second I founded my Flamenco studio, I was in search for outfits for my dancers, wondering what they will wear on their shows, rehearsals and classes. Collecting items from all over the world, we ordered directly from Spain but I always felt...

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Aspiration and inspiration

Aspiration and inspiration

Ever since I was a little girl, the people around me and I have always understood the movement was the essence of my life. I was a restless girl who could only find peace while dancing. Luckily my mum found this little mania upon rhythm and dance quickly...

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Contact Information

Pasion-moda flamenca

Sun-Fri, 10:00AM-22:00PM

Contact us